Current Fall Previous Falls Oracle

2002-12-31 - Another layout change soon
2002-12-30 - Undecided
2002-12-30 - wow - me eating.....
2002-12-30 - Pop Quiz
2002-12-29 - conversations
2002-12-28 - Feeling marginally better
2002-12-27 - crap self
2002-12-27 - pathetic
2002-12-27 - What I've been doing
2002-12-27 - Interests
2002-12-27 - books/music/films rings
2002-12-27 - rings about me
2002-12-27 - rings about me (2)
2002-12-27 - Random Diaryrings
2002-12-26 - pain-sickness
2002-12-25 - not being
2002-12-25 - Banners
2002-12-24 - 1-800-SUICIDE
2002-12-24 - Merry f**cking Christmas
2002-12-24 - imaginery conversations with the Doctor
2002-12-24 - Find the Christmas Cheer
2002-12-23 - whoop - more banners
2002-12-23 - yay for Helen :)
2002-12-22 - back, with a vengeance
2002-12-17 - I'm a prat, slap me
2002-12-16 - Do you want me? to go?
2002-12-15 - I tried, I failed... Story of my life
2002-12-15 - Gone
2002-12-12 - Lesson #2 of Kate's weirdness
2002-12-12 - Somebody slap me
2002-12-12 - How pathetic
2002-12-11 - What have I done?
2002-12-11 - hope for me?
2002-12-10 - today's little lesson
2002-12-10 - not productiveme
2002-12-09 - whoopa whoopa!
2002-12-09 - money!! woohoo!! *dances around*
2002-12-09 - la la la - boredom
2002-12-08 - Whats in a Name?
2002-12-07 - whoo I'm a bitch(!)
2002-12-05 - I'm a diary whore teehee
2002-12-05 - itchy feet
2002-12-03 - fumigated kitty... (HA)
2002-12-03 - bad kitty
2002-12-03 - rah ;P
2002-12-02 - wheeeeee
2002-12-02 - bah humbug bastards
2002-12-01 - itty bitty entry

April 2003
March 2003
February 2003
January 2003
December 2002
November 2002
October 2002
September 2002
August 2002
July 2002

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