Current Fall Previous Falls Oracle

2002-11-29 - argh
2002-11-28 - ~growls~
2002-11-28 - pathetic lunchtime
2002-11-28 - disowned ickle me ~sniff~ heh
2002-11-27 - HELP!!!
2002-11-27 - dense!!
2002-11-27 - Ho Ho Ho The Christmas party (enjoy)
2002-11-27 - 60 pictures
2002-11-26 - single's T-shirts, gotta love the idea
2002-11-25 - mindnumbing
2002-11-25 - stupid girl
2002-11-24 - shaking-ness
2002-11-23 - Black Wings
2002-11-22 - HA to you, Essex County Council!!!!
2002-11-21 - uh oh Lucy's been drinking red wine.....
2002-11-20 - Kate's a bad example teehee
2002-11-19 - beautiful dolphin
2002-11-19 - where has all the sense gone?
2002-11-19 - grrr @ all things technical
2002-11-18 - creative me
2002-11-17 - exploring; myself
2002-11-14 - Quizzes
2002-11-14 - #happiness, happiness.....
2002-11-14 - happy thoughtts
2002-11-13 - will I survive till christmas.... hrmmmmm
2002-11-13 - just how am I surviving?
2002-11-12 - I can't cope
2002-11-11 - why
2002-11-11 - hoorah(!)
2002-11-11 - Piece of fucking junk (thats my computer)
2002-11-10 - fed up
2002-11-08 - ~laughs crazily~
8.11.02 - shitty demon cunts
2002-11-06 - woohoo for diaryland; boo hiss for paypal
2002-11-05 - fingers crossed I'm ok
2002-11-04 - dead or in a coma.....
2002-11-03 - with thanks to asrael for giving me something to do ;)
2002-11-02 - big bundle of wonderfulness
2002-11-02 - I hate colds!!!
2002-11-01 - Beautifully Decayed
2002-11-01 - What kind of Sexy are you? (emode test)
2002-11-01 - at last!!
2002-11-01 - I looked cute yesterday ;)

April 2003
March 2003
February 2003
January 2003
December 2002
November 2002
October 2002
September 2002
August 2002
July 2002

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