Current Fall Previous Falls Oracle

2002-07-30 - need - diet - excerise eeeeeeeeee
2002-07-29 - lyrics
2002-07-29 - ill
2002-07-28 - happykid picnic
2002-07-25 - ho hum
2002-07-24 - bleugh
2002-07-22 - councilling
2002-07-20 - you seem to wanna hurt me/no matter what I do
2002-07-18 - your words cut deeply
2002-07-18 - its my bday!
2002-07-17 - more on Sims
2002-07-17 - bleugh
2002-07-16 - i hate doctors
2002-07-16 - need to do
2002-07-15 - hey Gary
2002-07-14 - waiitng for Karis
2002-07-13 - ramble
2002-07-12 - Amber Links
2002-07-12 - About Me
2002-07-12 - Alistair - where are you now?
2002-07-12 - stupid websites
2002-07-12 - dreading his email reply
2002-07-11 - why i shouldnt be depressed
2002-07-11 - i rule
2002-07-10 - woohoo!!!
2002-07-10 - Links
2002-07-10 - Cast
2002-07-10 - The Beginning

April 2003
March 2003
February 2003
January 2003
December 2002
November 2002
October 2002
September 2002
August 2002
July 2002

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