Current Fall Previous Falls Oracle

2002-08-31 - fooooooooooooooooooood
2002-08-31 - fool, hate myself
2002-08-30 - speechless, heh
2002-08-30 - ooooh, my first review
2002-08-30 - no more calls
2002-08-30 - little miss organised
2002-08-30 - yay im a reviewer
2002-08-29 - ice-green nail polish
2002-08-29 - ow ow ow
2002-08-29 - rambly rambles
2002-08-28 - soulmate??
2002-08-28 - yay - tickets bought
2002-08-28 - nothing to do
2002-08-28 - cold... so, cold
2002-08-27 - Wishlists
2002-08-26 - highlights, meh
2002-08-25 - drinking beer
2002-08-24 - i am a dumb cow/this holiday was a nightmare
2002-08-22 - have i remembered everything
2002-08-21 - panic
2002-08-21 - ho hum
2002-08-21 - fucked up dreams
2002-08-20 - wondering why bother
2002-08-19 - dog names
2002-08-18 - today
2002-08-17 - i hate hot weather!
2002-08-16 - piss piss piss
2002-08-16 - *spits fire*
2002-08-16 - ramblerambleramble
2002-08-15 - sick day
2002-08-14 - yay to Tiffany ;)
2002-08-14 - pissed off
2002-08-14 - hurting
2002-08-14 - update
2002-08-12 - the appointment
2002-08-12 - virus checker
2002-08-11 - html update
2002-08-11 - Contact
2002-08-11 - reviews
2002-08-11 - diaryrings
2002-08-10 - reviews and html work
2002-08-10 - the Ann Summers party
2002-08-09 - 3 months celebration
2002-08-08 - todays a bitch
2002-08-08 - stop the circles
2002-08-07 - weirdness personified is me
2002-08-06 - points of view
2002-08-06 - archiving
2002-08-05 - sick sucks lmao
2002-08-04 - my tears wont fall forever???
2002-08-04 - dont think
2002-08-03 - i wish
2002-08-03 - diet, schmiet
2002-08-02 - empty promises, again
2002-08-02 - asrael - you rock :)
2002-08-01 - team lunch

April 2003
March 2003
February 2003
January 2003
December 2002
November 2002
October 2002
September 2002
August 2002
July 2002

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