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2003-04-02 - 1:06 p.m.
Sympathy for the Devil

[private entry added]


I really don't feel well. I ache everywhere and my back is paining me something chronic.

I had fun yesterday though... �2.50 for a cocktail.. red like blood. mostly vodka. Oh yes, I had fun!!!

And when I got home - I pschyed myself up to call people... Jay didn't answer again - so I left a message on his answerphone after all the other calls. Mail me silly - I need to know what you want to do :)

Patrick answered - Patrick's cute... So not sounding how I thought he would... but yeah - *grins* I can't wait.

Called Jim too - he made some silly April Fool's joke and I thought he was being serious (grrrrr lots) about breaking his foot.... grrr grrrr grrrr!

By this time its about 2am, so I thought I'd better try to sleep.... (I didn't cry last night) - so turn my light off, get my bear... settle down... and my phone goes off. For all of 1 second. Don't recognise the number, but as I'm writing it down (so's I can send a text) I receive a text... Turned out it was Mattamus (of Ally and Matt fame - although not many people will understand that.. but its Mattamus!!!!!!!) So we had a little text conversation ....

Subsequently I was late *again* for work.. Damn I really need to get some sleep.

Also got a call from Stuart too, yesterday. Before Chris came to pick me up. He's such a cutie. He'd had a nice weekend in Plymouth. I don't think he got my joke in our later conversation, though. Think I scared him :*(

Rest of holiday things to do.... Need to get some more film, and my digi-cam. Although I'm debating the digi-cam, because I don't have my computer to uplaod the pics for when I get back... so, yes, debatable digi-cam. Need my sunglasses, but thats about it from Ben's. Oh, no its not. I need my boots too. I also need to see if it will all fit in a smaller suitcase.... I'm a bit worried about me being able to carry the large one.

Uhm, need to see about the re-packing tonight, need to hand wash clothes tonight, sort out CD's and books to take with me.... got presents. Got thank-you present for Jay... but I will have to ask if that can be taken.... Vic would know....

My brain hurts.... grrrr, thinking to hard. pah!

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