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2003-03-11 - 12:21 p.m.
dumbass light-bringer ;)

Reasons why I hate my family.

Reason no. 138.

I can't move back at the weekend, because (get this) I got bitched at yesterday. Big time. See, Dad wants at least one room in the house tidy. So I have to tidy my room. Yup. I have to tidy the stuff that Sarah has already tidied, the stuff that is just going to go back in exactly the same place as it is now, the stuff that isn't even mine. They've been using my room as a storage room and *I* have to tidy it up.

Ok - that rant over.

Am feeling better today (thank you to everyone). Yup, I'm such a dumbass. I think I really need to make my own ego page. Heh heh. That way when I get down (as yesterday) I can read my ego page and think "see biatch, people do like you really."

Weird thing today - is that I've still got Epicentre playing in my head. That and a couple of lyrics from Rubicon:-

Tell me what to do so I do nothing wrong.
Something I can hope for. Something real that I can see.
So nothing falls apart. So that it does not end.
I cannot return. I can't start again.

I say this is weird, because I spent 6 hours yesterday listening to the Empires album (of which Epicentre isn't on). So, yeah. Weirdness.

Gonna take my weird self off now and do some more work (Val's at lunch and Lady R is busy).


Little addition :-

Just reading an email someone sent to me. Its very very thought-provoking. The last paragraph especially.

Lucy. From the Latin meaning 'light-bringer'. And I guess I do. Bring light to people that is. Regardless of myself, I always want other people to be happy. So I give of myself. Unconditionally really. That in itself is something to live for......

1 missing sheep. Will you follow?

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